Wednesday 21 December 2011

hari yg gmbire . .

halooooo3x . .
aq nx story stu bnde niey .
tdi aq bruw jer hangout again with my lovely aunt n cousins . ktorg g batu pahat mall . ktorg g tgok movie cterrr OMBAK RINDU . mmg cterrr dye trbaekkkkk dri ladang anggur laaaaaa . hahahahahha .
aq pown ade la rse nx nges tpi gaq brjye cover mke aq spye x nges . kelakoooo .

sblum mnggu movie start , ktorg beli peralatan skola for next year . mcm2 yg ktorg bli tdi . mls lah aq nx sbut sumenyer . mmg hari niey best la . brg aq kbykkan sume wrne favourite aq
aplgi klaw bkan PINK COLOUR .  . sweet gtuwwww . . . hehehehehehe . .

k la . aq choww dluw . . bye assalamualaikum . . gud  night . .

Tuesday 20 December 2011

best memory eva . .

tdi bru sje aq hangout brsme my lovely aunt n cousins . ktorg pegi mghburkn hti yg dke lare gtussss . awhhh . hahahhaak . aq niey secretive orgnye jdi tmpat hang out ktorg prlu arrr drhsiekn .

aq juzzz tell korg yunk ktorg g karaoke . lallalalalalala ~ . klaw suare aq hncossss pown . ade aq kesah ? yunk pnting aq eppy with them .

after that , ktorg pegi isi prut msing2 lerrr . nk refill blek energy yunk hilang . .

bsok ktorg akn mlekn shopping time .....d stu tmpt yg best jgak la . .
tomorrow i will you all the story kay :) . .

Sunday 18 December 2011

why must him....hukhukhuk

let me story morry stu cterr.. korg sume nx twu x??? hmmmm...cterr niey psl sorg dax laki yg sring mggnggu live ktorg..nme nyer BIARLA RHSIE...hehehehhehe..asl nx g mne 2 jek, msti ade btg idong dye mnonggok kt dpn ktorg..x bleh klaw smpai blerr2 x pyah gnggu ktorg hah!

aq niey klaw da brcrite mmg x leh hbes..tpi aq da trlalu gram sma itu budax KUALI BERKARAT...

seandainyer aq niey llaki, aq da blasah da dye. aq mmg nx blasah dye tpi mmndgkn aq niey pompuan, jdi trbntutla aq pyer hajat..

k la nnti kter smbung lg ...byk yg aq x puas hati niey kat dye..